Monique 338/365

We haz a MAJOR angry! With both cats being antisocial for so long, we had
failed as caretakers by not realizing they had both developed mats, his
under his tail and hers all over the damn place in her undercarriage. God
bless our vet; we use the mobile doc here in the valley and she actually
gets that with these cats, a lot of simple but unpleasant procedures are
best handled by a pro since we annoy them far more than enough as it is. So
we called and she showed up with what I just call “the cat-shavin’ bag”.
This is a most ingenious form of kitty torture, with a velcro collar holding
it on and strategic zippers allowing the clippers access to any part of the
cat without the rest getting loose—besides the two under Mr. Pisstycat’s
face, there are two in the back arranged the same, and two on the bottom
that run parallel to the spine zipper. I was too busy laughing my butt off
and staying out of the way to get any of the outrage and fires-of-Hell fury
from Her Freakin’ Maj, who had to get shaved in like 3 places cuz apparently
instead of grooming she was just sulking for 14 months or so…Now every few
days she’s subject to the horrifying indignity of being yoinked out of the
cat tree, brushed, and getting her face stuffed with that high-grade organic
catnip. Poor girl. (/end sarcasm) He’s decided getting brushed is okay
most of the time; we use a regular cluster-bristle brush on both them and
the cat tree.


Renatta said...


Robin in NJ said...

What a great idea. And that is one unhappy looking cat.

SilentMenagerie said...

We call that the "pisstycat" face. Fuzz *totally* hates being laughed at, so whenever he's being too full of himself we just start cracking up and he gives us pretty much exactly that look. He also hates music with sudden volume changes and tends to greet Rob Zombie and Pink Floyd both with this face.



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