Monique 333/365

I swear, I am the most spoiled rotten woman in this entire valley. A couple
of weeks before this was taken, another tenant sledgehammered one of my
panic triggers; I cannot abide having strangers move my laundry. This lady,
whose unit was almost as close to the laundry room as it’s possible to get
(unlike me, at the other end of the parking lot), could NOT wait an extra
five minutes for me and took a load of socks and such out of a dryer. In
the process, we later found, she managed to lose at least one expensive &
discontinued Carhartt wool boot sock belonging to my neighbor. She also had
the tremendous grace and decency to overhear me freaking out and respond by
*raising her garage door to come over and snarl at me *that my dryer was
DONE, because evidently that totally justified chewing me out for having a
psychiatric challenge of epic proportions over her total lack of
apartment-dweller manners. (Yes, this is in fact why your taxes help pay
for me to stay home and take nature walks by myself…) My sweetie was NOT
amused to hear the tale the following morning, and this was his reply:
nearly new machines bought from an incoming tenant who wanted them to go “to
a good home”…for 25% of their retail value. When the landlady suggested me
on the grounds that not only am I on disability but I assist on a volunteer
basis in the lives of 2 other people on disability, he was thrilled to hear
about us, and we were and still are flattered & grateful to have been
thought of! There will be no more “gotta rush off to the laundry room in
case I’m in someone’s way again” for me! We installed these in the “usual
suspect” neighbor’s house on the grounds that the laundry nook in ours,
which is laid out quite differently in the upstairs units, is in other use.
I’ve even gotten to tell the seller on a couple of occasions how totally
luxurious it still feels to do laundry without having to carry a basket
across the complex, or drag six washer-loads over in the rolling cart!


miss selene said...

that both really sucks and is really awesome. i also have meltdowns when strangers touch my laundry. :S

Robin in NJ said...

You should be spoiled. I remember how happy I was when I bought my condo and didn't have to make use of public laundromats anywhere. That get sold fast.

SilentMenagerie said...

The funniest part is that the sock-loser and I use the same pharmacy, where I have seen her twice now since that incident. She won't even look me in the eye :D. I'm still totally in love with these machines, tho, and routinely pray that blessings shower upon the man who sold them to us!



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