Jean 364/365

Got a TON of snow overnight. Between ten inches and a foot, depending on
where you measure, as C. demonstrates here. :)


R2 said...

OMG C! Get your butt in the hosue, you are gonna freeze...tell me he has shoes on....

Jean said...

He put his flip flops on to go out there. Because clearly THAT helped. (rolling my eyes)

Lynn said...

I am sure his radiant smile will melt that snow away :)

Rachel said...

Lol. Flip flops in the snow are way better than bare feet. I would know. My dad had me go barefoot in the snow in the Rockies one year to send the picture to my grandma... WAY colder without flip flops.

Robin in NJ said...

Cute pic but my feet are cold just looking at it.

Renatta said...

laughing at all your comments because they all stole what i was going to say

Unknown said...

Ditto what Renatta said!

I am rolling my eyes with you there!!



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