Jean 358/365

Tonight I finally bit the bullet and cleaned everything out of my closet
that doesn't fit anymore because it's too small. Every hanger in this photo
had something on it that doesn't fit anymore. I'm sick to my stomach about
this and can't believe I've let it come to this. Not sure if I want to cry
or throw up. Drowning in self hatred tonight... Tomorrow I start anew
trying to remedy the situation. Hoping that by posting this photo and
caption, maybe I'll stay committed to it this time.


Liz T. said...

Oh I hope you can find a way not to beat yourself up over it!! Shapes change. It just happens, with time. All we can do is work to be as healthy as we possibly can and not define ourselves by the label inside our clothes... easy to say, but much harder to do, I know. I'm still working on it. Hugs!!

Lynn said...

I never would have guessed that you had stuff that didn't fit - I think you look great! Just give yourself a little love - we all go through this...Jump back on the wagon and don't kill yourself over it.

Jen said...

Seriously, dude, I think you look terrific! I MARVEL at the mileage you're logging with your runs. I'm jealous of your dedication too. Forgive yourself for not being perfect...none of us are or ever will be. Big hugs, friend!

Unknown said...

I agree with everyone else & I knew you way back when. You have always looked good and always been fit. Please do not beat yourself up over it. I am so proud of you and your positive attitude and your want to be healthy and happy! If anything I am jealous of you!!

Robin in NJ said...

Stop beating yourself up. Size and weight are just a number and you are much more than a number on a label or scale. Seriously.



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